Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer says "No" to Casino Expansion November 14, 2011 | WMFE - As the debate over whether or not expanded casino gambling should be allowed in Florida builds in Tallahassee, Orlando may Buddy Dyer says he is against expanding casinos on a statewide basis.
Speaking on this week’s upcoming Intersection program Dyer expressed concern over tarnishing Orlando’s family friendly image and how money generated by Casinos is distributed, "A lot of times even though the revenue, the tax revenue is generated in a certain area it ends up going to Tallahassee and it’s not dispersed fairly back to the communities that generated it." In Central Florida the Walt Disney Company has also come out against a plan lawmakers are considering that would allow 3 full service destination casinos in Miami Dade and Broward counties. Supporters say the facilities would generate jobs, lower Florida’s 10.6 unemployment rate and raise millions of dollars in revenue. Programming Note: Hear more with Buddy Dyer Tuesday morning on Intersection @9:30. |