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KSC Visitor Complex Remains Open, NASA Suspends Nearly Everything Else

October 2, 2013 | WMFE - The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex remains open despite a federal government shutdown that's suspended nearly all NASA operations.

The visitor complex is supported by ticket, food and merchandise sales, not taxpayer funds. But bus tours of Kennedy Space Center are suspended.

Spokeswoman Andrea Farmer says it's too soon to know how the shutdown will affect business.

"We are all very hopeful that the government shutdown does not last very long, that we can get back to doing the work that we do so well and continuing on with space exploration."

Nearly all of KSC's more than 2,000 civil servants are furloughed.

NASA missions are in limbo like one scheduled next month to Mars.

But mission control remains open for the astronauts at the International Space Station.