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FCAT Scores Show Disparities Among Central Florida Districts

June 29,2010 - The state Department of Education released scores today for the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. Central Florida's marks looked a lot like the rest of the state's -- but there were some substantial differences from county to county.

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Almost three quarters of the 3rd graders in the Orlando area are reading up to their grade level. But by 10th grade, only about 40 percent can read proficiently.
71 percent of 11th graders in Orange, Osceola, Lake, Seminole and Volusia Counties can do math at grade level. But there were some big disparities within those averages. Almost 90 percent of Seminole County’s high school juniors were at grade level in math. By contrast, in both Orange and Osceola, that average was only 64 percent.
Seminole County students also scored higher than their peers on the science portion of the test. Just over half of Seminole’s 11th graders performed at grade level in science -- that figure was only 30 percent in Osceola and 33 percent in Lake County.
The state uses the results to evaluate schools and to decide if students move on to the next grade level or graduate from high school.

To view school, district and state FCAT reports, click here.