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Nelson Voices Concerns about Airport Pat-Downs

November 23, 2010 | WGCU - U.S. Senator Bill Nelson is joining the growing list of Florida politicians criticizing new airport screening procedures that include full-body scanners more invasive pat-downs.

The Florida Democrat spoke in Fort Myers Monday after addressing a group of business leaders.

“The American people are just not going to not going to accept other people’s hands being all over them,” Nelson said.  “We can correct this situation with the use of procedures and new technologies.”

Florida’s Republican Senator George LeMieux is also speaking out against the procedures, as is Republican Congressman John Mica from Winter Park, who is set to chair the House Transportation Committee next year.

Senator Nelson implied that the Transportation Security Administration may need to revise its policies, while still keeping passenger safety in mind.

“You’re always looking for a balance,” Nelson said, “because at the end of the day, what you’re trying to find is the terrorist who is trying to secretly put on an airplane some explosive.”