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George Zimmerman's Defense to Ask Judge for Trial Delay Tuesday

Feb 4, 2013 | WMFE - Former neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman heads to court Tuesday morning for a hearing on his defense attorney's request to delay the second-degree murder trial, currently scheduled for June 10th.

[Image: George Zimmerman]

A Seminole County judge could decide Tuesday whether to grant or deny the defense’s request for a delayed trial.

O’Mara will face off against state prosecutors over the requested delay at a hearing scheduled for 9:00am. O’Mara filed a motion last week asking to postpone the trial until November, saying among other things that state prosecutors had been slow to turn over evidence. Additionally, O’Mara said he’s waiting for records from Trayvon Martin’s Facebook and Twitter pages, along with his cell phone data from February 26th, 2012, the night a confrontation with Zimmerman led to Martin’s fatal shooting. 

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty, claiming he shot the unarmed 17-year-old in self-defense under Florida’s “stand your ground” law. 

Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda filed an objection to the defense’s delay request Friday, arguing that O’Mara himself is the reason things are moving so slowly. De la Rionda said in part he’s given O’Mara more help than is required by law and that O’Mara speaks to the media instead of working on the case.