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Hispanic Organizations Hold Informational Session on Obamacare

Latinos hoping to enroll in the online health insurance exchanges have to wait another two weeks if they want to use the Spanish language version of Healthcare-dot-gov, and that gives advocacy groups a window for educating Hispanics on how the exchanges will work.

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[The Englewood Neighborhood Center is the site of an informational health care session aimed at Latinos]

It’s called Obamacare Orientation.  It’s free informational session on the health insurance exchanges that’s open to anyone. But the target audience is Central Florida’s Latino population.  Hispanic Health Initiatives helped put the event together. Founder Josephine Mercado says they purposely waited until after the Healthcare.gov launch because they knew there would be some out of the gate glitches- so speakers needed a chance to figure things out.

“And because we’re bringing experts in the area, we hope they will provide answers and a better understanding of what’s going on, so that was our goal,” she says.

Mercado says there has been a lot of misinformation about the online exchanges circulating through Florida’s Latino community, which is the third largest in the country. The Obamacare Orientation takes place at 6:30 this evening at the Engelwood Neighborhood Center in Downtown Orlando.